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When I was reluctant to post such basic post my friend forced me to write this article saying "people love basics articles also. Which you think would be known to all." So here goes nothing
1) What is RTL-SDR
If you know about RTL-SDR Skip to 3rd point directly.
RTL - Realtek
SDR - Software Defined Radio
2) History and Discovery of RTLSDR (Source)
It turns out that Antti Palosaari is perhaps not entirely
Well I have not invested lots of years into embedded electronics. I was electronic enthusiastic but never done much into microcontroller and embedded stuff before 2011. By the end of 2011, I had ordered my Teensy (atmega based circuit with built in USB programmer interface). I had ordered Teensy basically to try USB based attack vectors by programming teensy as USB keyboard and trying to create a batch file on the victim computer and run it etc. Some good tools and frameworks have been written about