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Thread: Ebooks stuff Share/Save - My123World.Com!

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  1. #1

    Ebooks stuff

    We need to learn to achieve success, and to learn we need ebooks, guidance and thodi help ke liye friends kis din kaam aaenge,
    well some of us have great collection and some have bad(like me), so why not share your stuffs(i mean ebooks, videos, tools etc.) and help others learn.
    let us upload everything we have at one location.
    it would be great if we could get some place in this garage but in case we didnt, we can create a free web at provides infinite storage and thats what we need) or i have a domain and server myself but i dont have any time to create a web, so we could use it too..
    what do u guys say?

  2. #2
    Basic problem with most people's ebook collection would be ILLEGAL books, Since we dont encourage ILLEGAL stuff on garage we have to be very care full about what we are sharing. If we can come up with the team to check legality of stuff beofre sharing then we can go forward to do this kinda of web area to store books and electronic stuff.
    Orkut id: neo1981
    Nothing is Impossible*

    *Conditions Apply

  3. #3
    will you please post what falls in your "illeagal" section?(please dont think im being sarcastic, i really want to know what do you consider illeagal, as my future decisions will depend on it.)
    and if you mean we cant post those books which costs some $$ for free(some what warez kind of stuff, then how many free "good" books you really know about(again im not being sarcastic, i mean it because the good books arent free , we use our skills to get it free! and if thats the case then what would we upload?? )
    Last edited by Er3bus; 12-08-2011 at 02:44 PM.

  4. #4


    Well policy is policy...
    Pirated books are "Illegal" and are strictly a NO NO...
    We would not share pirated/warez books or cracks on our forum.
    Orkut id: neo1981
    Nothing is Impossible*

    *Conditions Apply

  5. #5
    well in that case would you help if i create all that thing on x10 hosting?
    Whether You Think You can or You can't, You are Right.

  6. #6
    Well i thought about it again and here is my proposal,
    we would create another web at x10 to keep stuffs, free stuffs(tools, videos and ebooks) would be preferred, warez will be added "ONLY IF NO FREE ALTERNATIVE" is found or the stuff is too good. no upload would be reflected immediately and all uploads will be reviewed to find a free alternative(i.e. avoid warez as much as possible). along with that all stuffs would be encrypted and would require a password for decryption, this is to ensure that the warez dosent lead to the site getting banned.
    also im not interested in advertising so tell any1 about that web only in case he/she is keen to learn..

    this is the best solution i could think about, so is anyone interested or i should kill the idea?
    Whether You Think You can or You can't, You are Right.

  7. #7
    ... I am no Expert b0nd's Avatar
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    Hi Er3bus,

    Help me understand the idea - how would the repository at x10 look like after 1 year?

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  8. #8
    Hey bro,
    well if you are asking about size of repository then it maybe thousands of GB or just nothing, it depends upon all of us, i dont know how guys who read my posts interpreted it, but guys im talking about having our own library where could learn, all of us have some stuffs which are simply awesome and not generally found, we would learn a lot!

    Whether You Think You can or You can't, You are Right.

  9. #9
    Super Commando Dhruv abhaythehero's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Er3bus View Post
    Hey bro,
    well if you are asking about size of repository then it maybe thousands of GB or just nothing, it depends upon all of us, i don't know how guys who read my posts interpreted it, but guys im talking about having our own library where could learn, all of us have some stuffs which are simply awesome and not generally found, we would learn a lot!

    Hello, nice to see such enthusiasm but you should also consider some things first

    and if you mean we cant post those books which costs some $$ for free(some what warez kind of stuff, then how many free "good" books you really know about(again im not being sarcastic, i mean it because the good books arent free , we use our skills to get it free! and if thats the case then what would we upload?? )
    Firstly and fore-mostly, we do not encourage mass piracy of books. You may find few occasional pdfs lying here & there but generally they are shared on specific request and we try keep it minimum.That too, we try to point it to a link.

    Now for the book suggestion
    Yeah who doesn't need them. But frankly information security is a specialized and vast field. Specialized means it is no use keeping a lot of books in your HDD for the purpose of reading.Because believe me you will never read those collection in GBs. In fact a teacher once told me that some of the most efficient reading of book happens when it is issued from a library(hard copy) and has to be returned within a week deadline.

    Most research of a subject in information security happens when you are hot and focused on one single area. Ex. Browser Security. Now you may want all the latest and the previous papers,materials,tutorials about it. But it is happening and fast updated field. We cannot store it all. Huge amount of full-time effort is required of any such initiative.Solution is to archive links. We use Google to find them, Twitter to receive , forums to share, and mailing lists to read.

    For warez
    Dunno, but 90% of the stuff used here is free and open source. Rest 10% only has 5% good options which are worth buying and will not be available on piratebay,rapidshare,etc. Even if we find a *fix or crack* 4shared,rapidshare will have more than enough storage area to share. Frankly I will be interested on how the fix got developed.

    My suggestions -->
    It would be more worth it if you go ahead with some free mirroring of open source projects and free e-learning material on your hosting. You can ask for permission from a lot of people who would be more than happy to let you mirror their content (Hint : SecurityTube Free Wifi Testing DVD for example )

    P.S: Free account of 4shared offers about 10GB. More than enough online storage for casual sharing of files.
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  10. #10
    ... I am no Expert b0nd's Avatar
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    Hi Er3bus,

    Not the size but the design. Let's say you get support to design what you are planning and people upload stuff and make a good library. According to you how the library shall look like after couple of months? What different kind of sections/categories etc.? I hope I have made myself clear this time.
    [*] To follow the path: look to the master, follow the master, walk with the master, see through the master,
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